How to Begin Your Website Redesign

4 min to read 12.28.2020
How to Begin Your Website Redesign

Do I Need A Website Redesign?

Did you know that outdated and complicated design can decrease your sales? Seriously, if your web design is not up-to-date, you are losing a lot of potential customers.
So if you are suspecting your website needs a redesign, you came to the right place.

How Do I Know if My Website Needs a Redesign?

We suggest you complete the following redesign checklist:

  1. Is my website design out of fashion?
  2. Have I noticed my sales conversion decreasing?
  3. Do I regularly receive feedback regarding a complicated user interface?

If you answered ‘yes’ to any of the questions above, you probably need a website redesign.

So How Do I Redesign My Website?

Define The Most Valuable Pages

To create a successful  website redesign project plan you have to divide your website’s pages into primary and secondary. The most valuable pages should be the following:

  • The most visited pages are usually the ones that lead to high conversion. The primary focus of the website redesign companies should be the key sales pages.
  • The least visited pages should be second important. Business owners often ask themselves the question of why redesign a website if I’m happy with my sales. The answer is because you can do more sales! If you improve the least visited pages of your website, your conversion can be even higher. For instance, making a redesign you'll improve customer experience.

While defining the most valuable pages you should do a thorough analysis in Google Analytics and understand what is actually working in your current design and keep it as it is. We suggest keeping the best out of your current design and improving the flaws.

Understand Your Visitor’s Persona

Thanks to Google Analytics, you can create a potential buyer’s persona. According to Google’s 2016 research,  you can separate users into four categories:

  • People, who want to ‘know’ something about your business;
  • People, who want to ‘go’ places and are searching for some services nearby;
  • People, who want to ‘do’ something and your products are what they are looking for;
  • People, who want to ‘buy’ one of your items.

Based on the information above, your website redesign project plan has to include the potential buyer persona. We recommend creating your ideal customer portrait and figuring out their potential interest. In other words, who are your customers and why should they buy your product?

Create A Thorough Redesign Plan

If you are planning your website redesign, you will need to engage quite a few employees and choose from several website redesign companies. You will need to arrange:

  • UI/UX redesign. If you are down to update your website, we suggest putting time and resources into the clean design and intuitive user experience.
  • Content and copywriting. You should create content that will compliment your design and help you to grow your conversion rate.
  • SEO and software development. With a new design and the new content, you will probably need to rearrange and organize your search engine optimization. Also, you’ll probably need some tweaks in your software to make sure everything is functional.
  • Content management system. In some situations, making a new design is not enough.  Sometimes it would be wise to change site's Content management system (CMS) as well because some old content management systems are not up-to-date.
  • Customer support. It will be useful to gather customer’s feedback and be ready to answer customers’ questions.

Know How To Measure Success

The main goal of a new design is to drive new customers and increase your revenue. So to know you achieved that, you should know how to measure your success. We suggest analyzing your current metrics and set up expectations for the upcoming results.
You’ll need to compare:

  • Your conversions number;
  • The conversion rate;
  • Revenue;
  • Average Order Value (AOV);
  • Customer Lifetime Value (CLV).

Also, you can develop the metrics to measure your redesign success.

  • Do you receive fewer support tickets regarding your website’s navigation?
  • Do your customers give you a better rating? Are they more satisfied with the service?
  • Do you see sales growth? Is it easier for your customers to buy your product or service?

Be Ready To Test Your Design

And all great ideas need testing. We highly encourage you to perform testing as early as possible.

For example, you have redesigned your home page and now can check whether it became easier for the users to find your services. Then you can move on to the services page and test it next. Or you can create a special landing page and check how this page is convenient for users.

If you don’t have enough users to test results, you can conduct usability sessions with the test audience. You can ask them to use your website and provide you with feedback regarding the usability.

So why redesign a website? The technology is evolving, so does the design. You’ll need to keep up with your audience’s interest to stay competitive. The reason your customers are choosing your website over others is that they like it. So let yourself add a little bit of website redesign costs to your budget this year and increase your sales.


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